The Hibees kicked off the new season under the guidance of Lee Johnson and his coaching team at the weekend and we’d like to provide an update to all members and supporters as the 2022/23 campaign gets underway.
As the club’s second largest shareholder, Hibernian Supporters is committed to continuing to work collaboratively in the interests of our members and the football club to help aid the ongoing success at Easter Road.
Following the changes to our Articles of Association backed at our recent AGM, Hibernian Supporters is embarking on a new era and we are excited to provide value and support to the club and our members.
Our updated Articles of Association can be viewed by clicking here.
The Covid pandemic saw a surge in contributions from fans who were determined to back the club through one of the most difficult periods in recent history. Throughout this time supporters went above and beyond to ensure the club continued moving forward in a stable manner – everyone at Hibernian Supporters and the club is eternally grateful for the backing received over the last two years.
As a result of an increase in the membership, Hibernian Supporters is now home to fans with a range of views and ambitions – it is our commitment to ensure all contributors are satisfied whilst sticking to the key principles of the organisation.
We are currently working with our web developers to create the opportunity for fans who wish to continue donating their contributions to the club to be able to do so, whilst also retaining the facility for funds to be held by Hibernian Supporters and used in line with members’ wishes on a range of initiatives and projects.
As a responsible shareholder we are committed to supporting the club in a variety of ways and believe the proposed changes to our website functionality will allow all members to rest assured that their funds are being used as they intend them to be.
We are a democratic organisation which aims to allow all members to have a say in the way Hibernian Supporters is run. We are run by fans, for the fans.
The key principles of Hibernian Supporters are outlined below:
- To hold shares in Hibernian Football Club on behalf of our members.
- To acquire a meaningful stake in Hibernian Football Club if circumstances allow.
- To promote the success, financial security and operational stability of the club and, consistent with these purposes, encourage funding of every description for the club, including donations to support its activities.
We once again thank all supporters and members – whether you have been on a journey with Hibernian Supporters since our inception in 2015, or are still to come on board – and look forward to working together to back our great club in to the new season and beyond.
If you have any questions, or would like to discuss any of the above with a Hibernian Supporters director, please email us at [email protected].