Hibernian Supporters is the club’s largest supporter shareholder group. We hold shares in the club on behalf of our members, who contribute monthly to support our activities, and we have invested more than £1.5 million in the club since 2015.
Following the Black Knight investment, we now own around 7% of the club, from a previous high of around a 20% equity stake.
Our ultimate goal is still to achieve a meaningful ownership stake in the club (25.1%), but at the moment we are unable to acquire any further shares.
As responsible shareholders we are committed to supporting the club in any way we can, with members are the heart of all decision making.
Hibernian Supporters Limited is a group of around 4,000 ordinary Hibs supporters. We care passionately about our club and want to support the it in a range of ways, while ensuring supporters are represented at ownership level of the club.
Our members are the owners of Hibernian Supporters, which is a Company Limited by Guarantee.
The objectives of Hibernian Supporters are:
To hold shares in Hibernian Football Club on behalf of our members.
To acquire a meaningful stake in Hibernian Football Club if circumstances allow.
To promote the success, financial security and operational stability of the club and, consistent with these purposes, encourage funding of every description for the club, including donations to support its activities.
Hibernian Supporters believes that any level of fan ownership should revolve around these three key principles:
Our ‘one member, one vote’ system ensures all voices are equal. In this structure money does not buy influence.
All our members are just ordinary fans. We believe that lack of clarity in ownership is inconsistent with the very principles of community ownership.
Not for Profit
As we do not have shareholders we have no desire to make profit and no need to pay dividends. Funds raised are intended for the betterment of Hibernian Supporters and the club.
We enjoy the full support of the widely recognised group, Supporters Direct Scotland. Hibernian Supporters is independently owned by our members, and all directors are appointed by our members.